perm filename COMBIN[3,2] blob
sn#393995 filedate 1978-11-15 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
COMBIN is a program for manipulating fonts (i.e., character sets) for
the XGP (Xerox Graphics Printer). COMBIN allows you to combine two
fonts to form a new font. It asks for the file names of the two files
to combine, and a file to put the new font on. It also asks if you want
to copy characters automatically which occur in only one font. In
general, you should answer yes, unless you don't like some of the
characters in both fonts. If you are on a Datadisc, it will ask whether
it should display each pair of characters before you make you selection.
For each ASCII code where the character is defined in both fonts (or, if
you are not in automatic mode, in either font), COMBIN will ask which
font to select the character from. (If you're on a Datadisc and have
asked to see the characters, it will display them for you.) If you want
the character from font #1 (the left-hand character displayed), type
"1"; if you want it from font #2 (the right-hand character), type "2";
for neither, type "0". Anything else will cause the display to be
redrawn. ("V" is the accepted command for this.)
Report any bugs to TVR.